The end of Load-shedding fable
Einstein once said: ‘True insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result’. If Einstein was South African, he would have said ‘True insanity is believing load-shedding will end.’
How long will we continue hoping for the end of load-shedding based on false promises? Yes, it is important to always have a positive outlook in life. You have a zero chance of success if you only see the negative side of life. Sadly it is also important to be realistic.

Empty Load-Shedding Promises
In July 2013 Eskom CEO Brian Dames declared “No more Loadshedding, we are confident”.
Water and Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa, proclaimed in March 2014: “Loadshedding is temporary”.
During December 2014 Tshediso Matona then CEO of Eskom added: “There is no power crisis at Eskom”.
Cyril Ramaphosa famously added in September 2015: “In another 18 months to two years, you will forget the challenges that we had with Eskom”.
And the list continues. Seemingly ad infinitum. “Loadshedding is history” proudly added by then Eskom CEO Brian Molefe and former president Jacob Zuma in 2016. “No more Loadshedding from today”. This was the line of the popular Pravin Gordhan in April 2019.
Everyone’s knight in shining armour André de Ruyter was wildly optimistic with his line in September 2021: “Eskom will significantly reduce load-shedding from September 2021”. This was of course before he dropped his famous bombshell with big fanfare that there is massive corruption at Eskom and that he has been in dire straights all this time.
Stop Digging
A wise man (or woman) once said on the subject of getting out of a hole “First, stop digging”. For more than a decade South Africans have been digging themselves into a psychological hole of hope for change.
We could continue to believe all the seemingly trustworthy sources that the end of load-shedding is around the corner or we could just start using our common sense and install a solar power system at our homes, offices, schools, and factories. After all, there are massive advantages of installing a solid PV Solar system other than trying to cope with load-shedding.
With sunlight at your disposal, your power is just outside of this hole. So stop digging, stop hoping, and take your power back.
Find the Experts
Get in contact with NuEco Solar to find out how easy and affordable it could be to change over to solar. Your life will thank you for it.
PS: Yes, it is important to note that you might just dig yourself into a bigger hole if you choose your uncle in his bakkie that can do the job at half the price, but this is a story for another day.